The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman: Summary and Notes

The Five Love Languages details the secret to better relationships. Everyone wants to be loved in a different way and learning how to meet those needs is key. A guide for all forms of relationships – for couples, for children, for friends, and for coworkers. 

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The Game by Neil Strauss: Summary and Notes

Great story and addictive to read. The Game by Neil Strauss is a step-by-step guide to picking up women told in story form. The biggest aha moment for me was that pickup is actually about men, not women. You’ll learn a lot about seduction but its value lies more in the mindset.

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Models by Mark Manson: Summary and Lessons

Models by Mark Manson is the best book I’ve read about finding a romantic-sexual partner. You learn the behaviors that will form that emotional foundation needed to improve your odds as a man dating women, improve your dating skills, and attract the perfect partner.

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