Money Master The Game by Tony Robbins: Summary and Notes

Money Master the Game by Tony Robbins is the ultimate guide on how to build a secure financial future. Robbins provides a detailed account of what works and what doesn’t. He distills financial planning into 7 fundamental principles. Great book for anyone seeking to know their way around money.

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Financial Intelligence by Karen Breman and Joe Knight with John Case: Summary and Notes

Financial Intelligence by Karen Breman and Joe Knight with John Case is written for anyone who wants to understand the meaning behind financial numbers. Not the easiest book to read but provides a good understanding of accounting and financial principles.

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The Richest Man In Babylon by George S. Clason: Summary and Notes

The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason is an all-time classic on how to get rich. Clason offers wealth tips from Babylon, the richest and most prosperous city of ancient times. It turns out that creating wealth today is no different from how the people of Babylonia did it and the book offers excellent relatable lessons. Everyone should read this book.

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