5-Bullet Monday #31 (10/08/2020)
Happy Monday!
Here’s your weekly dose of awesomeness.
On getting things done –
A few weeks ago I finished my productivity course. I’m now opening “Zero to Done: The Art of Working Less and Achieving More” for a few more people. If you’re not happy with your productivity right now, Zero to Done will show you the way to completely transform your performance. If you’re a knowledge worker that wants to advance your career by working smart rather than working hard, this is for you. Learn more about it here.
On struggling at work –
What do you struggle with the most at work?
Here’s a list to help you brainstorm:
1. Dealing with email
2. Delegating work the right way
3. Meetings
4. Managing my time
5. Reviewing my work
6. Being laser-focused at work
7. Being a good leader
8. Building new skills
9. Creating effective routines
10. Automating work tasks
11. Creating systems and processes
12. Managing people the right way
13. Making good decisions
14. Developing great habits and breaking bad ones
15. Dealing with distractions from my phone, computer, etc.
16. Being effective while working from home/remotely
17. Making things simple at work
18. Being organized
19. Having too much to do in so little time
20. Procrastination
Hit reply and let me know ;)
On book summaries –
I have published 21 book summaries on this page here. Every week, a few people email me saying how much they appreciate them (thank you so much for sending those emails, they make my week). So I want to expand this library. I have 75+ books that I have finished but haven’t worked on the summaries. What are the books that you think I should absolutely include in those book summaries? Hit reply and let me know.
On setup work –
I normally take one or two weeks each summer to do what I like to call “setup work”. Setup work is what most people would call “organizing”: cleaning things I saved on my bookmarks to read, cleaning my office, cleaning my email/Evernote/Notion/photos, reviewing finances, doing some high-level strategy work, simplify systems, etc. It’s basically preparing the field the right way for the rest of the year. Not only does everything feel more into its place, but I can also now ignore these things for the remainder of the year guilt-free. Do you do something like this? What’s your routine?
On bookmarks and reading online –
So I started setup work by catching up on bookmarks. I noticed I had saved a ridiculous amount of bookmarks and kinda reminded me of this post. It wasn’t that bad this time but still, a lot of room to improve. I definitely need to simplify my system of capturing what I want to read and then find a way to consistently keep it running. How do you do this? Do you have a system to save what you want to read? How does it work? Please help! I’m in dire need of inspiration ;)
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And should you come across anything interesting this week, send it my way. I love finding new things to read through members of this newsletter.
Have a great week ;)
P.s. in case you missed it, here’s the link to Zero to Done