5-Bullet Monday #30 (03/08/2020)

written by Dan Silvestre


Here’s your weekly dose of awesomeness.

On systems –
I use personal management systems every day, frameworks that ensure everything fulfills the tasks required. Here’s how I build fail-proof management systems every single time.

On the best productivity hacks – 
I spent years collecting and testing the best productivity hacks. The final result it a simple database of everything that works with simple step-by-step instructions on how to apply to your work and life. Want to get access to this database with more than 300 proven productivity hacks? You get immediate access by clicking here.

On taking time to recharge –
This is my second week of vacation and after a few days, I finally started to relax and really disconnect. For me, this takes anywhere between a few days to a week and the benefits of the vacation start kicking in. That’s why I prefer to take at least 10 days whenever I can. It takes a few days for my brain to adjust. So now I’m finally resting and new ideas are coming into my brain. So don’t forget the power of resting and recovering. There are more benefits than “just a few days of rest”. What have you got planned for your holidays this year?

On habits –
I’m re-reading Atomic Habits by James Clear and still find myself fascinated with the amount of great stuff in the book. I strongly recommend you get a copy and you can also read my summary here

On tracking productivity –
I track several things on my work and personal life and do all of them mostly from one master spreadsheet. It’s not ideal but it works for me. I’ve been looking at what to keep track of, what to stop, and what to move out of the spreadsheet and into an app. So I enjoyed this post from doist “Quantify Yourself: (Mostly) Free Tools & Strategies to Track (Almost) Every Area of Your Life“. In it, you’ll find tools to tracks books you’re reading, how you’re spending your time, what you’re consuming and so much more.

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And should you come across anything interesting this week, send it my way. I love finding new things to read through members of this newsletter.

Have a great week ;)


P.s. This newsletter was longer than normal. Do you prefer this longer format or the shorter one? Hit reply and let me know. I reply to every single email ;)

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